Welcome to ZAKI



ZAKI References

We're very proud on our evergrowing portfolio of happy customers and successful projects.

project 1
Our Scope
several database architectures • several web applications design, development and support • several Java desktop applications design, development and support • several web services design, development and support • mobile application design and development • several reporting solututions design, development and support • project management solution design, development and support • ZAKI custom reporting solution integration • ZAKI custom task management solution integration

Main Technology
Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL + PostGIS, Apache web server, PHP, ZEND, Python, Java, Java EE, JavaFX, Spring, JavaScript, Angular, Angular 2, Bootstrap, JQuery, React Native, cloud based services ...
Our Scope
database architectures • web application design, development and support • ZAKI custom reporting solution integration • ZAKI custom task management solution integration

Main Technology
PostgreSQL, JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular, Bootstrap, cloud based services
Stanovanja RM
Our Scope
database architecture • web application design, development and support • ZAKI custom reporting solution integration • ZAKI custom task management solution integration

Main Technology
PostgreSQL, JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular, Bootstrap, cloud based services
Acros Security
Our Scope
web application design, development and support

Main Technology
JavaScript, Angular
Agencija za energijo
Our Scope
database architecture • web application architecture, development and support

Main Technologies
Microsoft SQL Server, Python, PHP, Java EE, Liferay, Spring
Our Scope
web application development and support • iOS mobile application development and support

Main Technologies
NodeJS, JavaScript, Swift, Apache Thrift, Microservice architecture
Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije
Our Scope
web application development and support • AI integration

Main Technologies
Java EE, Spring, NodeJS, JavaScript/TypeScript, Vue, Solr, Alfresco, Oracle, Cassandra, MongoDB, Python, LlamaIndex
Our Scope
iOS mobile application development and support

Main Technologies
Swift, Objective-C
Our Scope
iOS and Android mobile application architecture, UX, development and support

Main Technologies
Swift, Java, Cotlin IBM Mobile First
Our Scope
iOS and Android mobile native application development and support

Main Technologies
Swift, Java, Cotlin
Smučarska zveza Slovenije
Our Scope
iOS and Android mobile game architecture, graphical design and development

Main Technologies
Objective-C, Java, Cocos2d-x
Our Scope
Web application development

Main Technologies
JavaScript, PHP

ZAKI Contact

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information about our company or its services.

ZAKI, d.o.o.

Inženiring, storitve in trgovina

Cesta zmage 94, SI - 2000 Maribor

tel: +386 (0)41 413 156

e-mail: info@zaki.si

IBAN: SI56 0400 0026 6053 481

VAT number: SI13960695